Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hi! (to a new blog)

As my first proper blog post ever for a personal blog, this is a rather daunting task.  However, I'll start off by providing a quick outline to my blog.

Why another blog?  I realize that there are already a lot of blogs out there, but I figured I'd set up one to write down my thoughts and for the off-chance, that someone might find it useful.

What?  With full knowledge that predictions rarely succeed, I will probably structure my blog around several topics as stated in the sub-title:
  • Life
  • School
  • Entrepreneurship
I guess those three are a good start.  There will probably be others, like work/coding, but for now, that ought to do.  Well, in any case, if you do happen to come across this blog, I hope you enjoy it, but if it ain't your style, there are another 133 million+ other blogs to look at.  Hasta luego!